The first season follows the epic journey of a young woods guide named Richard Cypher, a mysterious woman named Kahlan Amnell and a wizard named Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander to stop Darken Rahl from unleashing an ancient and terrifying power.
The second season follows the three of them (and some others) as they try to stop the Keeper (Lord of the Underworld) from destroying the land of the living.
Here are the character bios, courtesy of Wikipedia with a few changes:
- Richard Cypher – Richard starts out in the series as a young woods guide living in Hartland, a town in Westland and a place where no magic exists. Richard is the adopted son of George Cypher and brother of Michael Cypher, but he does not know who his real parents are or that Zedd is his grandfather. He discovers that he is the first true Seeker in a thousand years - "a hero who arises in the times of trouble and suffering and seeks out evil".Although Richard is reluctant to be the Seeker, he is earnest in fulfilling his role as he is the person prophesied to defeat Darken Rahl. Along the way he becomes closer to Kahlan and falls in love with her. Craig Horner explains Richard's character as someone who is "what you see is what you get" and is "so truthful", adding that "the only thing he's been taught to reserve his whole life is his anger, and he can release that once he starts to get hold of this Sword of Truth."
- Kahlan Amnell –the Mother Confessor and, in contrast to the novels which the show is based on, she is not the last living Confessor, at least until partway into the second season. As a Confessor, she has the power to magnify the love a person has within them for her, allowing her to control the person. This power allows her to serve the people of the Midlands, who respect and fear her. Her mother is deceased and she meets her father later in the series after many years of being estranged. Her sister appeared to have been killed at the beginning of the first episode in the series, but later we learn she has indeed survived, and will give birth to a male confessor. In Kahlan's quest to defeat Rahl, her role is to protect the Seeker with her life. She develops a deep love for Richard, which is torment for them both since her Confessor's powers would be inadvertently unleashed in a moment of intimacy, making it impossible for Richard and Kahlan to act on their feelings for each other. Executive producer Robert Tapert describes Kahlan as "a female action hero for 2009… she's perhaps more feminine at the same time as being as ruthless as Xena was."
UNFORTUNATELY, the Tribune Company has decided not to renew the series as of March 4, 2010. The show's owner, ABC, has announced that while Tribune has decided to drop Seeker, this is not the deciding factor on whether it is cancelled completely. If enough other stations are willing to carry the show, it is possible that a third season will be produced.
I totally want there to be a third season. This show is complete with love and romance, laughter and sorrow, surety and silliness. Check it out-- both seasons are on YouTube.
P.S. The male protagonist is pretty hott too, he's an Aussie with pretty hair :)