A. So I finally made up my mind to get married. This might sound odd considering I haven't dated anyone since sophomore year, but hear me out. After all the crap I went through with and after Luke, I was seriously doubting whether or not marriage was an option for me. I liked my single lifestyle-- my ability to flirt, hang out with, and chill with guys without worrying about a significant others feelings. This was always trouble in the previous relationship. I've always been really bad about calling other guys hott in front of significant others. (It's almost always merely a statement of fact, but I'm sure it doesn't help their self-esteem.)
Anywho, last year, I'd kind of sworn off dating (while still maintaining a desire to go out on a least one date, a New Year's resolution that unfortunately was not fulfilled) and marriage. I think I was still working through some residual, "I'm worthless-all men are idiots-my heart is broken" stuff from my relationship with Luke (which only got worse after he finally came out of the closet). And while a teensy bit of that is left (not the I'm worthless part, but the fear of my heart being broken again), I think I've come to the realization that, at some point, I'm going to have to feel vulnerable again and risk my heart being broken to find someone with whom I want to share my life. Such is the nature of (finding) love. I'm actually proud that I came to this conclusion even with the lack of someone special on Valentine's Day (I went out with the girls--Key Lime Cheesecake!). I think it shows I've matured and become (somewhat of) a realist. I'm still hopelessly romantic at heart though. Which brings me to...
B. I think that with this new-found faith in my "one-day" marriage came an onslaught of feelings for guys that are currently in my life. I have no intention of marrying, or even dating a single one, but all of a sudden, they are there, in my line of sight, these living breathing, human, (Christian!) attractive guys. I mean they've always been there, but I guess my mind wasn't processing them since it thought it wasn't necessary.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not drooling all over myself anytime I'm around M, A or the Redeemer boys (a new nickname for them, like it?). But I did realize that they do have things to offer and that some of them are cute (and single). This is all just mindless musings, however, since most of them are sophomores (though I might be inclined to say yes if someone asked me out on a date) and I think it's about time for me to stop relying on Facebook info to tell me whether someone is available or not. I think it's about time I headed into the wedding ring phase, don't cha think?
Ah! I told myself this blog was going to be honest, but little did I know :)