Friday, May 28, 2010

Yesterday, I Bought Four Pairs of Shoes

I blame Ary (lol). No seriously, I blame no one, because all of them are fabulous and wonderful. Gosh, I love shoes :)

As I have been telling everyone lately, the last week has been absolutely fabulous. Why? The love of God. There is no other explanation for it. Oh, sure the weather helps, and the time spent around you-know-who definitely adds to the mix, but honestly and most importantly, it's just been amazing to see God in my life. Nothing dramatic has happened and the root of some of my stress is still there, but I've given it to God, plain and simple. It's wonderful. Thank You, Lord!

Quick Updates (in 100 words!):

Can I finish the quarter, please? Schoolwork should be done by now. I still have two classes next week. BLAH! I just want to go sit on the beach.

Dillo Day: AWESOME OUTFIT PLANNED! Don't know why I'm being girly all of a sudden. The onset of summer maybe? You-know-who might have something to do with it too :)

Still need a home for buttons! Know anyone who wants a cat?

Graduating in 3 weeks. Starting real life. Very scary. Very exciting. Loving going home for the summer. Wanna move back to Chicago in the fall... HELP ME FIND A JOB :)

----- OKAY, it's 102 words, but still, pretty impressive. I'll update again after Dillo Day festivities :)

* Oh and an update for those who read this and know what I'm talking about (i.e. this part of the blog is vague on purpose)... Still don't know the official word, on either front. But I sure do act like a girl sometimes and he sure acts like a gentleman. (But I don't want to be a S!)

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