Thursday, July 28, 2011

Two Things... Well Three Things Really

Numero Uno:
I have some fun ideas for the next couple of blog posts, one of them being the actual completion of at least one show synopsis in my FtLoTV (For the Love of TV) series. YAY!! Another one is a poem I've been working on when I can't sleep at night (like now). And last but not least, it is definitely time for another hotnessincelebrityform entry. I'm going to do a few of those since there's a LOT of hott guys on TV in the summer :)

So watch out for those entries!

Numero Dos:
Another entry is going to be a little more personal---- think love life, people! But to do this, I need to have a more accurate list of who I've dated/crushed on in the many years I've been alive. SO, I need your HELP. Call/text/email/facebook/carve it in stone/write in the comment section (only if you feel I won't be TOO embarrassed) the NAMES of the random people I've crushed on SINCE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. Yeah, that's right. I'm going ALL THE WAY BACK.

I've crushed on a lot of people so I need you guys to rack your brain and sus out some names, especially some obscure ones you think I may have forgotten :)

Numero Tres:
I've decided to do a little honest Q & A. So here's your chance to ask me anything. And as long as it's within sight distance of reasonable, I'll answer it in a blog post. This is for all those people who've been wondering about the intricacies of my life (i.e. thedeepstuff) but haven't had the nerve to ask me any questions. You know, because my life is SO interesting. Right. LOL. But seriously, ask away (in the comment section)!

So there you have it. Expect some updates soon. Now do your homework and leave me some comments people!

Love :)

1 comment:

  1. Question: What part of your body do you love the most?
