Monday, November 2, 2009

So I haven't written in a while...

.... and I am not even going to try to catch you up on the first day back. Suffice to say, everything goes. Not quite everything goes well, since there are a bunch of things that aren't quite right (like the fact that I am sitting at home in my PJ's trying to do 5 weeks worth of HW for my thesis class in one day... ain't gonna happen), but all in all I am happy. So, yes, everything goes.

I'm gonna try to do this is some semblance of order (the catching up) so bear with me.

God Stuff: Trying. Hard? Not really. Working on that. Going mediocre. Struggling inch by inch. But at least I'm moving forward :) (Situation is not as depressing as it sounds; I just wrote it in a very matter-of-fact manner. Please do not think I'm dying in life. I am not.)

School: Trying to get an A- in 3 classes this quarter. Can I do it? I hope so. I am trying. We shall see. LOL. My thesis grade, will be shitty, but at least I'll pass right. I just didn't want to overload winter quarter. I just couldn't. So now I don't have to. Hopefully it won't be at the expense of my less than stellar GPA.

Introducing Ms. Bobbi Amelie Buttons! Yes, I have a kitten. She is approx 6 weeks old. and is such a darling. In fact she is sleeping on my foot right now. She's taken a liking to my house shoes and tries to eat/sleep with them as often as she can. Besides Aiden, she is the cutest thing in my life right now. I can't wait til she gets a little bigger (and I can get her declawed, she's scratches me on a daily basis) so that we can have some fun. But then again, right now she fits in one hand pretty much.

Men: Not much has changed on that front for quite a while. Still not searching. Still happy about that. (Though if one comes my way, I will not turn him away :) Funny thing though, I've just discovered that the one exception to this feeling, reminds me of my brother. Eww. And, despite the fact that he is not at all my type, I still find him attractive. Double eww. Still, nothing's ever gonna happen on that front, so I'm not worried. He's doesn't seem interested and I feel no obligation to figure out if he is or isn't. Doesn't seem important to me at the moment. Dating someone is not on my list of high priorities.

I guess that's enough for today. I'll try (cut me some slack on the trying too, as humans we all fail-- often) to update again soon.

Loving life as a R.A.P,


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